Kooky Inventions

The Invention of Hugo Cabret
by Brian Selznick
It is a rare thing to find a book that refashions storytelling itself, but that's exactly what Brian Selznick did with Hugo Cabret.
Equal parts graphic novel, art book, mystery, fantasy, and even flip-book movie, the book tells the story of Hugo, an orphaned boy living in the walls of a Paris train station. His behind-the-scenes existence involves clock maintenance and the occasional swiped bit of food until he meets an unusual girl and a cantankerous shop owner. Then Hugo's world is turned upside down as secrets are revealed, toys come to life, and all is not as it seems (a perfect Halloween tale).
The bewitching book entices you with its drawings more than its words ― and there are very few words. Those simple, but compelling, pieces of art actually tell the story, pulling the reader (or should that be viewer?) very quickly through 500 pages.
A film version of the book is set for release on Nov. 23. The book must have been a boon to the movie's director, because the author practically storyboarded the entire thing from start to finish. This kooky and fabulous tale is an incredible work of art. (2007 - Scholastic)

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