I have thousands of books. Yes, I will cull the herd a little for this move. However, there will still be thousands of books that will need to be packed. I hate that part.
I do like unpacking them, though (probably should have been a librarian). I can spend hours organizing books. In the old shelves, I had them set up by genre. This time I think I'll go for alphabetical by author. Or maybe just by size. The first would make the books easier to find. The second would make it all look so much prettier. Sigh.
Here are my ideal bookshelf photos. Help me decide which way to go.

Really? You have all those shelves and can't fill them? Amateur.
Photo from Stagetecture.

I've seen people put covers over all of their books. I just don't have time for that.
Photo from Colour Lovers.

This would work...if we had stairs.
Photo from Home-Designing.

Love this. Let's test my husband's carpentry skills.
Photo from Dwell.

A little too stark for me.
Photo from eHow Home.

Very clever!
Photo from Stephen's Lighthouse.

Does anyone else hear that chorus of angels?
Photo from Heatorama.

I could move in tomorrow.
Photo from Home & Garden.
Libraries need fireplaces, that's for sure. I like the one with the steps, though, because it eliminates the need for a ladder. I wonder if it would work in a spiral shape to save space?